So when your ready to make your own Unit Study
When you decide that you want to make your own unit study, think about what you like to talk about and learn about. Than think about what interest your children. you want to research and learn with them, so pick something that interest you and them.
Decide on your Topic
First get a pad of paper and write down about 5 things that interest each person that will be learning or teaching. you may see something right away. you may need to look and think about it.
Decide how long you want to study your topic
Do you want to study for a week or two? What about a month? Only you know how long you can keep your kids on one topic.
What subjects are you going to cover in your unit?
Are you going to cover math, and if so how? What about science and social studies, and history? this is not and hard as you might think. Just about every subject you study you can cover almost every subject.
Like "House Cats" history= how they became house cats, math finding out how many breeds their are, science= looking at the body and seeing how it works.
What supplies do you need for your unit?
Each unit study will be different. Let your imagination go, think about different things you could do and write down all of your ideas. You may not use it this time but maybe next time.
What field trips could you take and will you take?
If your learning about cats go to a vets or a cat rescue. They love teaching others how to take care of animals.
Think about things that would make it more fun or interesting for you at your child's age. and remember to follow any rulles or regulations you may have in your state.
(I may have forgotten something please message me if you have any questions.)